Indian Cuisines are perfect blend of various spices which can allure your taste buds. Indian Recipes Generally offer wide variety of food for wide range of people. And basically the classification is also region wise for example food in Uttar Pradesh will be much more different than the food down South. Indian Recipe are also popular worldwide which can be confirmed by the amount of Restaurants lying in every nook and corner of each and every country. Previously Royal Families used to eat food from various regions together in a single plate and take the taste which can satisfy their taste buds. Various Herbs and spices used in Indian Food are cumin seeds, Red chili Powder, coriander leaves, curry leaves, black pepper. Indian food is mostly vegetarian in nature and about half of Indian population eats vegetarian in food but there is also a wide variety of Non vegetarian food which includes chicken, lamb. Cow is not consumed in India because cow is considered as a sacred animal in India and is worshipped.
3 Course Meal Indian Food can be divided into three course meal which include: - Starters , Main Course and Desserts.
Starters are a type of snacks which are consumed before main course some recipes of starters are:- Samos’s, Cutlets, Oblates, Sandwiches, Pagodas, Half fry, Veg Patties , Various Types of soups etc.
Main Course is the main dinner or main food which is consumed some of the dishes are:- Kadhai Paneer, Aaloo Paalak, Chicken Fry, Butter Chicken, Dal, Rice, Biryani. And all these types of cuisines are taken with Plain Rice or Rotis . Rotis can also be of various types which include Tandoori Roti, Stuffed Paranthas, Tawa Roti, etc
Desserts are also referred as End Meal is usually the last course of the meal and is considered as the best part of the meal which can usually include ice creams, sweet dishes traditionally called as Mithai in local language.
Regional Foods Indian Cuisine Recipes are thus divided according to regions and each region has different flavors and herbs like for example food in Uttar Pradesh is usually Mughalian in Nature due to Nawabi Background. Food in Rajasthani is like sweet in Nature, while food in Southern states mostly consists of Rice and food made from the Rice.
Thus Indian Recipe is of wide variety and nature therefore Indian Recipes are widely consumed and thus is consumed worldwide. Indian Recipes are considered as best in the world because they tend to activate the taste buds. There are constant innovations taking Place in Indian Cuisine Recipes.
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